Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Favorite Logos

My favorite logo is the Target logo, because its simple color composition of red and white stands out. I also like how it is a play on words of the brand name, Target, since its logo is an actual target.

Giant Owl

I enjoyed the aesthetic of Giant Owl Productions, because the eyes is similar to that of an owl and the revolving disks as eyes portray their purpose as a production company.
38 Dots by WLKYK
This logo was aesthetically pleasing, because of the neon and pastel colors such as green, pink, orange and blue stood out. I also liked how the company name was incorporated in its logo not only because it is a letter mark, but because it also literally included 38 dots.
I liked the Turn logo, because its logo literally turns similar to the company's name. The rounding of the letters have a very friendly appeal and its logo is very cleverly designed in that when turned upside down, it would look the same.
Indigo bird logo
I liked the blue bird, because the colors make the bird aesthetically appealing. The choice to ombre blue colors makes the bird standout.
The Loveclip logo stood out, because it showed the love in a shape of a heart and incorporated the 'clip' part of the company's name in the logo. The background color contrasting with the white also emphasized the logo.

Friday, March 25, 2016

What's Your Stance? Blog Reflection

First Draft
Final Draft
1. Do you believe your stance clear within your poster? Defend your answer- images, fonts, color, composition, etc.
I believe my stance was clear within my poster, because the font of 'No Homework Means' contrasted with the rest of the fonts. The use of script and the larger text portrayed the magical world of what no homework meant. This choice of a different font stood out among  the poster, emphasizing my stance. Moreover, I chose to use a blue background, because blue represents freedom. This emphasizes my stance, because it shows the freedom that one would attain with no homework. Furthermore, the use of handcuffs portrayed how limited would feel when one was given homework, emphasizing the many opportunities and activities one misses out on. 

2. From your initial thumbnail sketches to your hand drawn draft- Do you feel you were successful in re-creating your poster idea digitally? If not, do you like the new visual outcome?
No, because it was difficult to find images to use and manipulate so it could match my draft. Additionally, I failed at drawing the photos myself since tools such as the pen tool was difficult to use. However, I like the new visual outcome, because my new poster was more clear in portraying my concept.

3. What were the changes you made from your first version to the last version of the poster? Explain why you made those changes?
From the first version, I had jail bars in front of a bed and handcuffs with big text saying 'Land of the Homework Free". However, since it was difficult to understand what my idea was without any background knowledge, I used more text to help emphasize my concept. I also took away the jail bars for a more cleaner look. The incorporation of blue in the background represents freedom and I made the text 'No Homework Means' bigger to make my concept seem more visible. 

4. Looking over your rubric, which category do you think your project is strongest? Explain why. Which category do you feel the least confident? Explain why.
I feel most confident about my concept, because the poster successfully portrayed how I felt about homework. The listing of the many different possibilities when one did not have homework portrayed my stance on how limiting homework makes one feels. It evokes the emotion of pity for those who have homework. I feel least confident abut the design, because I had a difficult time composing the poster. I struggled with not knowing what colors to use so that certain aspects would stand out. For example, I wanted the text 'No Homework Means' to stand out but struggled with the background color and color composition so the poster would not look 'boring'. 

5. What was the most challenging aspect of the project, conceptually?
Conceptually, the most challenging aspect about the project was trying to format the poster. While I had an idea, I struggled with putting it on a poster since it was difficult to convey the many possibilities of having no homework.

6. What was most challenging about the project, technically?
Technically, the most challenging thing about the project was the clipping mask. It was difficult to get the whole design I wanted to fit into words since the structure of the words could only fill up parts of a picture.  For example, for the word "Shopping&", I attempted to fill the word with Bloomingdales' bags to portray shopping. However, it was difficult to identify my purpose since the little brown bag photo could not be seen.