The Playground
NYC Skyline (not original photo) |
Sunset Park Playground (Original Photo) |
1. Concept: Inspired by the images of the Photoshopped environment as viewed in class, I was inspired to brainstorm ideas surrounding my environment, New York City. As New York City has many diverse features from skyscrapers to rats eating pizzas to an overabundance of squirrels to the point that they seem to be "flying"around the city, I decided to incorporate these images in my Photoshopped image to demonstrate the uniqueness of my city. Additionally, growing up as a New Yorker, I explored New York City similarly to how children explore a playground. I, therefore, decided to put the backdrop of New York City behind a regular playground to portray the concept that every New Yorker's true playground is not only limited to a regular playground, but also New York City.
Final Product |
2. I am somewhat satisfied with my result, because I successfully included both the beauty and the absurdities of New York City while portraying my concept. However, I am unsure if my audience knows what I am attempting to portray as it might be unclear without any knowledge of my background as a New Yorker.
3: Process for Layer Mask:
1) After editing the NYC skyline layer with photo filters and curves, I added the park layer on top of the NYC Skyline layer.
2) I, then, added a layer mask on top of the park photo because I wanted to reveal parts of the backdrop of the NYC skyline to replace the sky of the park
2) I adjusted the size of the brush tool and used the brush tool in black to erase the unwanted parts of the playground picture to reveal the NYC Skyline background. Since there was a layer mask on top of the playground picture, the result when using the brush tool is the layer underneath it (NYC skyline) rather than a black paint.
3) I continued to use the black brush until I revealed all the parts of the NYC Skyline I desired, including the skyscrapers and parts of the skyscrapers' reflection in the water. If I made a mistake and revealed more than I wanted to, I used the brush tool in white to recover the playground picture.
This is really trippy, it like is the definition of NYC. It's funny too.
ReplyDeleteThis concept is so creative!! The idea of opening an exploring field to all truly creates insight on the open diversity of NYC! I also think the product of this project truly reflected the dedication you put. <3
ReplyDeleteThis concept is so creative!! The idea of opening an exploring field to all truly creates insight on the open diversity of NYC! I also think the product of this project truly reflected the dedication you put. <3
ReplyDeleteYour image, I feel, captures your idea perfectly. I can really see the effort you put in, and as a New Yorker, it really encapsulates the New York culture.
ReplyDeleteI really love the amount of color that you have in your project and I think it really incorporates how active New York City is and how diverse it can be as well. It also develops this feeling of unity as I feel that a lot of people who grew up in NYC can relate to the playground image.