Going to college in less than eight months, I am concerned for my safety as my parents can no longer keep a watchful eye over me for I plan to move away. With sexual assault becoming more prevalent in colleges throughout the United States, where one in five women are sexually assaulted, I believe the issue of sexual assault should be addressed immediately. While many colleges acknowledge the issue, many do not adequately address the issue. For example, while Harvard University made a task force in attempt to address the issue, they have done nothing physical to address the issue. Therefore, I concluded that colleges should increase their security for the students best interest as college is a place for education rather than sexual assault.
- http://www.weeklystandard.com/an-assault-on-common-sense/article/1051200
- http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2014/04/harvard-sexual-assault-victim-letter-crimson
Since I have been applying to colleges for the last couple of months, I am quite informed about the college admissions process. While many colleges claim to have a holistic review of applicants, I have noticed that many colleges are taking race as a factor into their admissions process. More specifically, I do not agree with how elite colleges such as Harvard University give an unfair advantage to whites and under-represented minorities such as African Americans and Hispanics. Statistically, Harvard, hopes to cap their Asian population to below 17%, forcing many over-qualified applicants to be denied due to their race. Minority groups are mainly admitted into such elite colleges through affirmative action. However, since Asian Americans are labeled as "model minority" as they mostly outperform other racial groups academically, affirmative action does not apply to Asians. Moreover, since preference is given to those who have legacy or attend private feeder schools, in which Asians do not have qualify for either as many Asian families are low-income immigrants from China, Asians are at an unfair disadvantage when compared to whites. Asians are even taught to not identify their race as it could be used against them.
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-cahn/whats-behind-asian-discri_b_7498760.html
- http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-harberson-asian-american-admission-rates-20150609-story.html
- http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-adv-asian-race-tutoring-20150222-story.html